A Father's Love Is Everything!



Kacy Duke, Graceful Gangsta

“Shine bright like a diamond, find light in the beautiful sea, I choose to be happy”. Many of us recognize the insanely popular libretto from Rhianna’s hit record  “Diamonds”, but for Kacy Duke they are more than just lyrics.  

Those words are synonymous with the manner in which Kacy lives her life. Her seasoned energy is naturally flowing, inspiring and needed in a day where ego driven fitness coaches are plentiful. It is motivating to witness as she continues to make history in the world of fitness.  Kacy emanates an inner joy that makes you trust her. It is plain to see that her spirit is accustomed to dancing, smiling and of course, exercising.

Health and Wellness are a continuous global concern which means fitness training is and will continue to be big business. Kacy has mastered the art of maintaining her own dynamic physique while showing us how to do it too.  What’s even more amazing is the fact that she is in her 60’s and makes you do a double take when you look at her because it seems as if she is aging in reverse. Kacy intentionally makes you feel guilty about not moving if you have the ability to do so.  

She revealed that family is the highlight of her life while reminiscing on a recent visit with her son and daughter-in-law, who she refers to as, “the coolest”.  Kacy further disclosed that she only wanted one child because she loves experiences, not repetition. As fate would have it, she shares a birthday with her son whom she loves dearly. How phenomenal is it that God saw fit to have them born on the same day. 

Next to powerhouse in the dictionary should be a picture of Ms. Kacy Duke.  She is so vibrantly active it’s hard to keep up with her. She is an author, entrepreneur, celebrity fitness  and life coach. She takes pride in helping others feel their best and has helped sculpt over 9,000 bodies. Her celebrity clientele includes Maxwell, Lenny Kravitz, and Bruce Willis.

Staying fit is a way of life for Kacy and she believes that movement is a privilege.  “You should exercise everyday if you’ve been blessed to be able to move. Exercise is not necessarily being a member at the gym.  You can just take a walk, dance around the house, do something. I want to look nice in my clothes and I want to be healthy” says Kacy.

In addition to physical fitness she also recognizes that there’s more to being healthy physically.  How we think attributes in a huge manner with regard to our health. She also feels strongly about affirmations.  “Affirmations are important because it’s not easy to feel good everyday.” Kacy has a strong connection to God and confided “I always remind myself that God did not bring me this far to drop me and I have to find time to be happy, even in my lean times.” 

It is hard to believe that Ms. Duke has days when she does not feel amazing but when these rare days do occur she will take a nap or watch a funny movie. She candidly expresses the importance of having control over our thinking.  She believes when trials and tribulations happen we have to find the value in the lesson. “When you’re hurt make it a beacon instead of a burden” she stated.

Kacy invited me to work out with her then provided me with a pre-workout assessment in order to coach me with regard to my areas of concern.  She also provided me with easy to do exercises while at home. Her technique is uniquely unsuspecting. I expected to have sore and achy muscles in a day or two, however, to my surprise, I was hurting hours later. In places I didn’t even know I had muscles!  I felt like I got hit by a Mack truck. In just one session I learned to improve my form, adopt techniques specific to my needs, as well as come to appreciate all parts of my body. 

Kacy Duke Tips:  

  • Work from a place of joy

  • Thank every part of your body, especially the parts that you do not love. Encourage others to do the same

  • Help others as much as possible 

  • Don’t let magazines dictate what your body should look like

  • Everyone is not meant to be slim and that is okay...find your own space

  • Work on always being a good person

  • Defy age,  don’t deny it

  • Faith is a part of the journey

  • Always look to God to lift you and put you on the right track 

  • God will provide and the more you trust, the more God provides

Maurice Williams